When will you trust your voice?


To take your power and move beyond your circumstances. Maybe in spite of them. Maybe because of them. 

It’s a personal journey, but so transparent in nature. Gifts you did not ask for and barely understand. Yet, when pen meets paper and fingertips create keystrokes, it’s obvious. 

The voice is silent but excruciatingly loud. Confident in theory, but anxious in time. The words flow like a beautiful stream crashing into coral and shores. There is so much movement, dare I say chaos. The wind constantly shifting you in different directions. Yet still, you are on the same journey. 

A transitioning ripple builds character. Entangled in the winds of dusk. When will you trust your voice? When will you allow others to heal and cleanse themselves in the same waves of words. Not seeking to be good enough, but to just be...be human, be love, be as free as ocean waves crashing against the shores and entangled in the coral. Be as healing as water under the scorch of the sun. When will you trust your voice?  

Tená Baker